

Understanding your current situation & aspirations

Combining the emotional with the logical to help you make better decisions around your finances and ultimately, working in partnership with you, to help you create the life you want through a range of services:


Combining Mindset and Financial Coaching, to help you understand your beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours around money and helping you to bring these back into balance. Offered on a 1:1 deep dive basis and through a Group Coaching Programme.


Helping you to gain complete clarity on where you are now, against your future plans, such as any lifestyle desires or retirement goals. Bringing your money to life in a visual way with the use of cashflow forecasting software, looking at various ‘what if scenarios’ and creating a road map which will provide you with clarity on the best way forward - which can be modified as needed when life detours!


Working in partnership with you to put the financial infrastructure in place to best support your lifestyle and retirement goals through investments. Helping you to re-structure your estate tax-efficiency and fund care when needed, as a Society of Later Life Adviser (SOLLA) Accredited professionals.



We offer all new prospective clients a 30 minute connection call, to enable us to understand more about you, your situation, concerns and requirements and how best we can help you through our range of services.

Where providing financial planning or advice, we also offer an initial discovery meeting at no cost or obligation, this is offered following a commitment of our terms and usually following our initial data gathering exercise.  During this discussion we will get to understand more about what’s important to you whilst having clarification on your position and will then discuss and agree the best way forward for you to consider.

One off

Financial Coaching can be offered on a 1:1 basis, as and when needed. We offer ad-hoc, deep dive sessions upto 2 hours in a safe and confidential space, asking lots of open questions to help raise awareness of your money beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors to help you bring these back into balance. We offer our financial planning exercise on a one-off basis. Providing a detailed cashflow forecast to help you understand your current position against various scenarios, which in turn creates a financial roadmap of the best way forward. Financial Advice may be required on a one off basis, this is usually most suitable where a review or one off piece of work with in depth analysis is required such as a IHT, taxation exercise.


We offer ongoing services through our group coaching program which is held over 4 month period and taken up by invitation and application only.

We support our investment and pension clients with a Pro-Active ongoing advice service, to ensure ongoing investment suitability and to help our keep our clients on track against their lifestyle and retirement goals.

Contact Us

Footes Financial Planning
Pure Offices, 1 Devon Way
Longbridge Technology Park, Birmingham, B31 2TS

Tel: 0121 222 5655